🌟 和歌山にいる日奈久上西町出身の江口治さんが撮った美しい天体写真をシェアします。夜空に広がる星々の輝きや、宇宙の神秘を感じられる一枚です。🌌
この画像は、オリオン座に位置する馬頭星雲(IC 434)を捉えたものです。馬頭星雲は、その特徴的な馬の頭の形状で知られる暗黒星雲です。
📍 撮影場所: 和歌山県すさみ 📅 撮影日時: 2023年10月26日~2023年11月20日(7夜) 📷 使用機材: タカハシ E-130D / JP赤道義 / ASI2600MC PRO
📸 撮影者: 日奈久温泉|日奈久上西町 江口治
📍 天体写真撮影地: 和歌山県
A Night Enchanted by the Magic of the Stars ✨ Experience the Mysteries of the Universe! ✨
🌟 We are delighted to share the beautiful astrophotography captured by Mr. Osamu Eguchi, originally from Hinagu and currently residing in Wakayama. This image allows you to feel the brilliance of the stars spread across the night sky and the mysteries of the universe. 🌌
Looking at this photo, you can feel the vastness and beauty of the universe, which is truly soothing to the soul. Enjoy this wonderful moment!
This image captures the Horsehead Nebula (IC 434) located in the constellation Orion. The Horsehead Nebula is known for its distinctive horse-head shape, which is a dark nebula.
The silhouette of the Horsehead Nebula stands out due to the contrast with the surrounding bright gas clouds. This dark nebula is illuminated by the glowing hydrogen gas behind it, making its shape stand out.
The colors range from deep crimson to warm browns and subtle blacks, beautifully expressing the composition and temperature of the gas and dust within the nebula.
The surrounding stars of varying brightness add depth and a three-dimensional feel to the image, emphasizing the vastness and mystery of the universe.
Capturing such detailed and beautiful astrophotography requires advanced shooting techniques and equipment. By using long exposures and specific filters, the fine structures and colors of the nebula can be captured.
This image beautifully captures the mysteries and beauty of the universe, providing a moving experience for the viewer.
Enjoy! 🌠
📍 Location: Susami, Wakayama Prefecture 📅 Date: October 26, 2023 – November 20, 2023 (7 nights) 📷 Equipment: Takahashi E-130D / JP Equatorial Mount / ASI2600MC PRO
📸 Photographer: Osamu Eguchi from Hinagu Onsen, Hinagu Kamimachi 📍 Astrophotography Location: Wakayama Prefecture